School Values through Games – Respect

It was great to have Jen from Sport Whanganui back with us this week. We are learning to practice our value of Respect through games.

Learning Intention:
Show respect by supporting my own and others wellbeing and the environment.


Here are some of the questions we will discuss while learning new games: 

How can you use what you have learnt in regards to respect when no adult is present? 
What does showing respect for spectators, other competitors, coaches etc look like?
How can we show empathy to others?
What was the aim of this game and how did have a focus on respect influence this?
How do others influence you when playing games?
How do you influence others when playing games?
If this game is simple, does that mean it is easy?
HOW did you display the school value of respect in this game? 

How can we hold each other accountable for our school values through movement?
What did you do when you saw someone doing something that they shouldn’t? How would you respond differently next time? 

We played a version of Tapu Ae.