In Class Facilitation with Whaea Maria Krausse

This week for ICF we learnt about using our voice for learning by using an extension on our chromebooks called Read and Write extension. Once installed, we could open a google doc and read to the doc out loud. The extension then types out what we have read. You can also use it to have text on a page read out to you. today we were using it as a reading mileage tool and to check reading accuracy. You can have another go at this activity by going to the Cybersmart section of our class site, and then select Smart Leaners.

Taha Tinana – Participation and Inclusion

Taha Tinana – looking after our physical well-being.

Learning Intention: Active participation by everyone, inclusion.

Volleyball was the game that everyone participated in and had fun. Two nets were set up so everyone could play at once. Court rotations meant that everyone got to experience areas of strength and positions that challenged them.

Animation using Google Slides

We were very lucky to have Maria Krausse from Manaiakalani facilitate our ICF session in person today. She taught us how to use google slides to create an animation. This involved duplicating a slide and image on the slide and moving the image slightly on every slide so when the slides were played, the images moved.

We have been remembering to name our documents with our name or initials first e.g. Maria Animation, and file them in our correct google drive folder. The animation goes in our cybersmart folder.

Manaiakalani In Class Facilitation (ICF)

Each week room one is involved in ‘In Class Facilitation’. Our facilitator is Maria Krausse and our workshops are usually online, however from time to time she visits us at Rutherford Junior High School.

The combined elements of this programme are designed to support all Manaiakalani learners to understand the power of belonging to connected learning networks, and to develop the competencies to participate in respectful and positive sharing in the digital world.